Hotel Zielo Las Beatas
Carretera de Ciudad Real a Almansa CM-412 Km.146,5
13332 Villahermosa
Ciudad Real
El complejo del Hotel Zielo Las Beatas se encuentra a mitad de camino entre Madrid y Valencia, en Villahermosa (Ciudad Real), cuenta con 4 habitaciones burbujas de techo panorámico transparente que tienen el nombre de otros tantos astrónomos; Hal
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What happens after contact?
- Your contact request is sent to the host for availability and price
- You will receive an answer from the host with availability and price, you can also ask for more information
- You can confirm the booking or cancel the request
Reserve without credit card.
Subsequently, the accommodation could request a deposit.
Subsequently, the accommodation could request a deposit.
- Electricidad de Fuentes 100% renovables
- Comida orgánica o km 0
- Accessible sin coche
- Productos de limpieza ecològicos
- Recogida selectiva de residuos superior al 80%
- Bombillas de bajo consumo
- Bio-arquitectura
- Paneles solares para el agua caliente
- Reductores de flujo de agua
- Recuperación y reutilizaron del agua
- Uso de cocina
- Carga de vehículos eléctricos
- Private bathroom
- Internet
- Breakfast included
- Organic garden
- Bicycles
- Ecotourism itineraries
- Pool
- Wellness center
- Accesible
- Small pets allowed
- Garden
- Hairdryer
- Barbecue
- Parking
- Horse riding
- Gluten free meals
- Vegetarians meals
- Reading room
- Artisanal products for sale
- Air conditioning
- Bar
- Restaurant
- Gym
- Own entrance
- Unusual & Unique
- Glamping
Todavía sin Evaluaciones
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Desde €295.00
Make your travel greener by booking with Ecobnb.
Sin pago por adelantado
What happens after contact?
- Your contact request is sent to the host for availability and price
- You will receive an answer from the host with availability and price, you can also ask for more information
- You can confirm the booking or cancel the request
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